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Ganthet will show you Green Lanterns in a handful of galaxies. Or something.

September 12, 2013


Remember the original house ads for Neil Gaiman’s Sandman series? The ones that had the titular Morpheus holding up his hand in front of the reader, with grains of sand swirling about? The one with the tagline “I will show you terror in a handful of dust”? This one? Or this one? Well, this house ad for the Larry Niven/John Byrne tale of Ganthet, one of the Green Lanterns’ more individualistic Guardians, is reminiscent. Maybe the folks at DC were in a hurry just dusted off the relatively recent template.

So Ganthet would show you Green Lanterns in a handful of galaxies. Or galaxies in a handful of stars. Or galaxies in a handful of dust. Or terror in a handful of Green Lanterns. Whatever. Something pilfered from T.S. Eliot, anyway.

3 Comments leave one →
  1. Bill Scott permalink
    September 13, 2013 9:45 am

    I thinkt hat image more properly belongs to Green Lantern than Neil Gaiman’s Sandman as it originates from the 80s series “Crisis on Infinite Earths” where Krona reaches back through time to the origin of the Universe. This is one of the images from that series Looks kind of familiar to me.

    • September 13, 2013 1:50 pm

      But it’s an ad. And with the structure and the dusty stars and the black and white it reminded me of the Sandman ad, which was roughly contemporaneous. Thanks, though, for reaching back through time to the origin of the hand — maybe we can photoshop an image of your hand holding the hand that holds a galaxy.

  2. Bob B. permalink
    September 14, 2014 11:59 pm

    The image goes back a lot earlier than that — to Green Lantern #40 from 1965, “The Secret Origin of the Guardians” :

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